Partner with us

Over 800 UBT member companies have said they need help with their marketing function from strategy through to implementation of tactics.
Here is your chance to partner with UBT and provide marketing services to these companies.

UBT (Universal Business Team) is a global business advisory and group buying firm specialising in family-owned SMEs, with over 3000 active clients having a combined total of around 30,000 employees across 19 countries.

As part of our Business Advisory offering, we assist clients with crafting and implementing their Brand and Marketing strategies. Our goal is to help members set new standards of excellence and grow, guaranteeing the sustainable success of their businesses. At the heart of our culture are people striving to make a difference – we bring the best advisory services and tools together with a loyal global client base, and we help facilitate excellence for our clients.

We need your help

Some of our leading providers

In the UK we have over 800 member companies who from our research have told us that 80% need specific help with their marketing function from strategy through to implementation of tactics.

We need companies who are prepared to partner with us to provide services to our member companies in return for a percentage rebate back to UBT.

What we require from your organisation

UBT UK are looking for interested companies to come forward who are:

  • Able to provide specialist capability
  • Demonstrate core competencies
  • Scalable
  • Affordable & Competitive

Services we require

We are looking for companies who can provide support in the following areas.

If you would like to be considered for selection, we would like to hear from you. 

Please submit your expression of interest below.